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How is learning captured?

How is learning captured?

  • Learning across the school is captured in a variety of ways.  


  • In Pre-school and Reception, each child has their own Mark Making and Maths book. These record children’s individual and adult-led learning through photographs, written recordings and children’s comments. The 'Class Learning Portfolios' contain evidence of the whole class’s learning journey capturing ‘WOW’ and ‘Special day’ moments along with all areas of the Curriculum. Evidence is collected across the term on a class display board making this record of learning instant, accessible and relevant to the children. At the end of each term this is then collated into a large ‘Class Learning Portfolio’. This is then used as a reference point to previous learning with the children to recall previous learning ‘Remember when we learned about...?’ Phonics books are completed in line with Phonics expectations.


  • For the rest of the school, learning is kinaesthetic as well as outcomes recorded in books. Children have discrete books for the following subjects:

           *English- Reading and Writing




           *Humanities (History and Geography)

           *Art- Sketch books

           *Design and Technology

           *French (KS2 only)


  • Whole class curriculum portfolios are used in all year groups as a teaching and learning tool to support children with embedding knowledge within more practical lessons.