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Forest School

Forest School at Hollyfast:

The vision and mission of the school are no better demonstrated than through the outdoor and adventurous activities the children are able to take part in whilst at Forest School.

At Hollyfast, we aim to ensure that every pupil, in every year will have a Forest School experience.  During their time in Forest School, the pupils will have the opportunity to be in the outdoors, whatever the weather, as waterproofs and wellingtons are provided.

Whilst at their Forest School sessions, each pupil will have the opportunity to learn bush craft skills such as fire lighting,  safe use of tools(saws, axes, penknives etc.), orienteering and shelter building. Running alongside this they will also have the chance to try their hands at campfire cooking, this could be something like toasting a marshmallow, making smores, baking bread, sausages or even chocolate bananas.


Forest Schools will also give pupils the chance to take part in team building activities alongside being able to do the simpler things in life like making mud pies, playing in the mud kitchen and swinging on a tyre swing.








We aim to encourage a greater appreciation of the outdoors through learning and play.

Some pupils during this summer term have also been able to experience an after school bush craft club. This has enabled them to build on their Forest School skills and give them the knowledge and confidence to demonstrate survival skills.